Friday, December 19, 2008


who is your friends?? who is your best friend??? Why are they your friends/best friend??

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

anything you want!!!

this is a box for anything you want to say, either to me or to anyone else... i will check this post every other day to every day, please say anything that i might or maybe might be able to answer!! thank you

ask as much as you would like to!!!!


Hey, this is Jin again... what teachers do you have and what do you think about them??? Do they teach good, or do they not??? Or are they just fun teachers to be around, or do they give you a lot of homework????

these things haunt my mind, lol, please answer my mind blowing questions!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


YO!!!! its me again, acually it is just me here,... what do you think about me?? post anything that you think fits me!!!